A randomized clinical study: outcome of submucous resection of compens…

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randomized clinical studyoutcome of submucous resection of compensatory inferior turbinate during septoplasty.

Rhinology. 2011 Mar;49(1):53-7. doi: 10.4193/Rhino10.006.



Septoplasty and/or turbinate surgery are commonly used surgical techniques for the treatment of mechanical nasal obstruction. The aim of this study was to define the effectiveness of submucous resection of a hypertrophied turbinate together with simultaneous septoplasty for the treatment of nasal obstruction.


Forty-two patients with septum deviation and compensatory contralateral inferior turbinate hypertrophy were recruited in this study. The inferior turbinate hypertrophy was diagnosed based on examination. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. In group A, a submucous resection was performed to treat a hypertrophied inferior turbinate, together with a septoplasty. In group B, only a septoplasty was performed. Acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry tests were conducted for an objective evaluation of nasal patency. A visual analog scale (VAS) was applied to the patients for the subjective evaluation of nasal obstruction complaints.


The application of submucous resection intended to reduce a hypertrophied inferior turbinate led to a distinctive increase in cross-sectional area of nasal patency; however, when the two groups were compared, it was statistically significant only at the post-operative sixth month. There was no difference between the results of rhinomanometry. The subjective symptom scores were better in group A than in group B between the post-operative first to sixth month.



Submucous resection of a hypertrophied inferior turbinate is necessary for the treatment of nasal obstruction.

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